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CounterfeitsGBP is another fake currency vendor on the dark web, claiming to sell counterfeit British pounds. Despite my initial skepticism, I decided to explore their website further. However, it became apparent that the platform was a scam when I clicked on the “Pricing” button. CounterfeitsGBP uses a pricing model called “Progressive Rate Pricing,” which typically involves lower prices for larger quantities of a product. However, the pricing on this platform follows no sensible parameters and is clearly a scam. For instance, the regression goes from 30% to 55%, which is highly unlikely for dark web products. Such pricing would result in the platform losing money instead of making a profit. It’s evident that CounterfeitsGBP sets their prices incredibly high to scam users out of hundreds of dollars at a time without providing samples. If you ask for proof of their products, they will likely come up with an excuse not to provide it. In conclusion, CounterfeitsGBP is a fraudulent platform selling counterfeit British pounds. It’s vital to avoid such scams and prioritize legal and ethical practices when navigating the dark web.