horizon Store – TOR Scam Report (3)

horizon Store – TOR Scam Report (3)

Onion Link: http://cards7ndxk4fuctkgwmeq46gx6bhzt57sg4l2nbwa2p3vjnvq4trhkad.onion/

Scam Report Date: 2024/07/28

Client Scam Report Breakdown

Original Scam Report:

The user reported an incident where they attempted to purchase a card and did not receive any response after making the payment. The report provided includes the transaction ID (txid) for the payment made through Litecoin (LTC): 81690bb677db2f2fb19f2104d07c8e0192975e728e0434acf7e5a39658f6de4b.

Detailed Analysis

In this report, the user describes a situation that typically falls under an online scam. A scam, in this context, refers to a deceptive scheme or trick used to cheat someone out of something, especially money. Here, the user intended to buy a card, which is presumably a gift card or some form of digital or physical card that holds value. The payment was made using Litecoin (LTC), a type of cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrencies are digital or virtual currencies that use cryptography for security and operate independently of a central bank. Litecoin, specifically, is a peer-to-peer cryptocurrency and open-source software project released under the MIT/X11 license. The transaction ID (txid) provided by the user, 81690bb677db2f2fb19f2104d07c8e0192975e728e0434acf7e5a39658f6de4b, is a unique identifier for the specific transaction on the Litecoin blockchain. This ID can be used to look up the details of the transaction to confirm its validity and track its status.

Key Terminology and Terms

  1. Scam: An attempt to deceive or trick someone, often to gain financial advantage.
  2. Card: Likely refers to a gift card or another form of digital/physical card of value.
  3. LTC (Litecoin): A type of cryptocurrency, similar to Bitcoin, but with a faster transaction confirmation time and a different hashing algorithm.
  4. Transaction ID (txid): A unique identifier assigned to each transaction on a blockchain, which can be used to verify and track transactions.

In summary, the user’s report highlights a common type of scam in the digital age, where payments made for goods or services via cryptocurrencies do not result in the delivery of the promised items. The use of cryptocurrencies in scams is particularly challenging for victims due to the irreversible nature of these transactions and the difficulty in tracing the individuals behind them. The transaction ID provided can serve as a crucial piece of evidence when attempting to resolve such issues, potentially allowing the user to track the transaction and seek assistance from relevant authorities or platforms.

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