Virgin Bitcoins

Virgin Bitcoins



Current Status

currently up

No Of Scam Reports



Not Accepted

Currency Accepted


Virgin Bitcoins markets itself as the ultimate solution for those seeking “clean” cryptocurrency, offering freshly mined, so-called “virgin” bitcoins directly from their shop. However, this site is nothing more than a well-crafted scam preying on the fears of users concerned about the traceability of their digital assets. The claim that they can provide freshly mined bitcoins, free from any previous transaction history, is highly dubious and lacks any verifiable evidence. The process described, involving direct transfers from a miner’s coinbase transaction, is a clever but misleading narrative designed to entice users into believing they are receiving something unique and untainted. In reality, there is no guarantee that the bitcoins provided are genuinely newly mined, or that they even exist at all. The offer to delete all transaction logs after the transfer is another red flag, suggesting that this operation is more concerned with covering its tracks than with delivering on its promises.

The site’s offer to split and transfer bitcoins across multiple addresses, coupled with the option to add a time delay, is a tactic meant to appear sophisticated while actually masking the inherent risks. This complexity serves to create an illusion of security and legitimacy, when in fact, users are likely being set up for significant losses. The notion that using Virgin Bitcoins is safer than traditional bitcoin mixers is not only misleading but dangerous, as it promotes a false sense of security in a highly volatile and unregulated space. The lack of transparency, coupled with promises that are too good to be true, makes Virgin Bitcoins a perilous choice for anyone looking to protect their cryptocurrency assets. Instead of delivering clean, new bitcoins, this site is likely to leave its users empty-handed and exposed to legal and financial risks.